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Hi! I'm Tammy

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I'm a Transformational Coach, Artist, and Speaker

I teach people how to unleash their pure creative fire so they can build and inspire lives filled with love, joy, freedom and prosperity.

​At the age of 17, I was struck by lightning.


Riding my bike home from a summer job, a sudden thunderstorm arose, and I was struck by a three-pronged fork of lightning. The blast threw me off my bike and into the air. Landing on my feet I ran home leaving a twisted mass of metal and rubber in the middle of the road.


That singular moment transformed my inner and outer life and literally illuminated my path. I became more aware of the field of energy that moves through and surrounds all life. At that time, I had no words for what I had experienced and like many major life events, it took years to integrate and understand the significance of that experience. 


However, the shock to my system was overwhelming and years later, whenever I heard thunder, my whole body would experience intense pain and an embodied sensation that caused me to shut down, freeze or flee.  That pattern of shutting down and freezing in the face of the unexpected haunted my youth well into my late 30’s and beyond. I became socially awkward and painfully shy and anytime life offered up a unique and often unwelcome surprise, that same sensation would arise, and I would freeze, flee or shut down.


As I grew older, I developed a deep and passionate love for light of all kinds.  As the daughter of a professional photographer, I studied light the way an artist studies line, form, and color.  Yet despite this love, I also experienced a disconnect from the source of light, the source of awareness.


Seeking that source, I unconsciously, sought solace in food, fantasies and isolation.  Living anywhere - but here and now – became my path to comfort and security, and my addiction. 


Yet the source of light, and lightning, ran through my veins, and as an adult, I pursued my passion for light by training in visual communications, psychotherapy, mindfulness, indigenous wisdom traditions, energy medicine, meditation, spiritual inquiry, and coaching. Through these trainings as well as relationships with nature and other embodied spiritual masters, I soon found out that it’s the quality of light (awareness) that we bring to our relationship to life that informs our experience of life.


So began my long journey back to awareness. Through these explorations, I discovered that when we are disconnected from our creative source, our Spirit, then life falls flat, and we hunger and search for something more. Our discontent often shows up in troubled relationships with ourselves, others, food, work, and money, and we become like hungry ghosts, eternally seeking to fill our emptiness with one more addiction.


Now, as a Transformational Coach, the power, beauty, and strength of lightning symbolizes how I stand for my clients. Working with people who long to bring their pure creative fire to life, I help them connect with their inner inspiration, reclaim their Spirit, and deliver their creative presence into the world.  


Currently, l live in Boquete, Panama, and in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. I'm convinces that I have the best job in the world since I help people unleash their pure creative fire so they can build and inspire lives filled with love, joy, freedom and prosperity. 


I love connecting with nature, all creatures great and small, creating art, writing, visiting friends, and traveling with my husband, Steve.


Life is good!

Photos by: 1,2, 4, 6 & 7 by George F. Mobley, 3 by Modesto Chire, and 5 by LeAnne Kamber

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