Our relationship with time shapes and defines our existence.
Living in deep time creates a space where the boundaries of the finite dissolve, and the infinite becomes palpable. Transcending the rush of daily life, it allows us to feel our connection to the sacred. In this state, time ceases to be linear. The past, present, and future merge into a unified whole, where every being, every moment, and every choice holds significance.
The modern world often pulls us away from this sacred space. Immersed in a culture of distractions, noise, and an overwhelming barrage of decisions, resistance to what is becomes our default—whether through overthinking, avoidance, or dissatisfaction with life’s unfolding. These forces can trap us in a fragmented, hurried existence, disconnecting us from the essence of living.
To live in deep time is to slow down and listen. Our bodies, often wiser than our minds, can guide us toward this space. When we feel hurried, anxious, or distant, we can pause and ask:
Are we present in the moment?
Are we resisting life as it unfolds?
Does our body feel contracted, expansive, or neutral?
Is there something we need or desire that has remained unrecognized until now?
Awareness of our patterns of resistance becomes an opportunity to turn toward what we resist—not all at once, but in small, conscious increments.
Living in deep time allows us to embrace life in its entirety. It is a courageous act of returning, again and again, to the here and now, recognizing that we need not wait for perfect circumstances, or feelings to begin truly living. This moment—imperfect, fleeting, sacred—is all we have.
When we choose to inhabit it fully, we rediscover our interconnectedness and our place within the larger cosmology of existence. In doing so, we cultivate trust, faith, and presence in the unfolding of life.